


综合英美文学,普通语言学,应用语言学三科一、英美文学1.单项选择(1)the tiger的作者是谁?(布莱克)(2)美国诗歌之父是谁?(惠特曼)(3)艾默生的作品论自立是什么时期的作品?(4)一段双城记忆中最著名的一段,让你猜测这段写的是什么事件?(法国大革命)(5)莎士比亚 的四大悲剧分别是什么?2.名词解释 共15分epicmonologueplot3.文学选段出自霍桑的红字,两个问题,共15分(1)字母A的原意是什么?5分(2)字母A的用法表达什么目的?10分4.诗歌解析&nbs


10道选择题15道阅读题4篇一篇英译汉Two old men sat on a park bench one morning in the sunshine of Tampa, Florida, one trying to read a book he was plainly enjoying while the other, Harold K. Bullard told him the story of his life in the full, round, head tones of a public address system. At their feet lay Bullard\'s Labrador retriever, who further tormented the aged listener by probing his ankles with a large, wet nose. Bullard, who had been, before he retired, successful in many fields, enjoyed reviewing his important past. But he faced the problem that complicates the lives of cannibals, namely: that a single victim cannotbe used over and over. Anyone who had passed the time of day with him and his dog refused to share a bench with them again. So Bullard and his dog set out through the park each day in quest of new faces. They had had good luck this morning, for theyhad found this stranger right away, clearly a new arrival in Florida, still buttonedup tight in heavy stiff collar and necktie, and with nothing to do better than read.


翻译基础短语confessional poetry intertextuality iambic pantamic cultural poetics idolect dramatic monologue 放管服改革,供给侧结构性改革,共享单车,脱欧公投,作秀,河长制,智能家具,弘扬工匠精神,低头族,快闪族,段落两段第一段是说忙于工作的人,没时间休息,成了一个机器。第二段是对工作狂的研究,什么样的人才能称之为工作狂呢?科学家对此进行了研究。汉译英第一段是吴越画和一般水乡风情画不同,它不讲故事,只想
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