






Bacteria are the most widely distributed and abundant species in nature and are most closely related to food. is the main object of food theory, industrial fermentation and brewing research, and is also the main group leading to food corruption.

There are three ways to use bacteria in food :1 application of bacteria. Edible fungus is a popular food; lactic acid bacteria can be used in the fermentation of vegetables and milk and many other foods, so people also eat a large amount of lactic acid bacteria when eating sour milk and pickled vegetables ;2 the application of bacterial metabolites. Some foods that people eat are metabolites that undergo microbial fermentation, such as alcohol, vinegar, amino acids, organic acids, etc. Application of enzymes such as tofu milk and soy sauce. Soy sauce is to use the enzymes produced by bacteria to break down the ingredients in the raw materials to make food.

The harmful factor of food caused by bacteria is mainly the spoilage of food, so that the nutritional value of food is reduced or completely lost. Some bacteria are pathogenic bacteria, some bacteria can produce toxins, if people eat food containing a large number of pathogens or toxins, it can cause food poisoning, affect human health, and even endanger life.

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考研云分享 » 2014年北京林业大学食加和农加考研复试真题

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