

1.需求预测 9.联锁 2.市场调查 10.旅行时间 3.建设成本 11.通过能力 4.缓和曲线 12.到发时刻 5.轴重 13.候车室 6.转向架 14.列车运行图 7.电力牵引 15.调度 8.轨道电路


1.tilting train 9.braking distance 2.separation of infrastructure from operation 10.remote monitoring and control 3.external effect 11.block section 4.feasibility study 12.continuous speed control 5.track guage 13.classification station 6.continuous welded rail 14.shunting work 7.diesel locomotive 15.containerization 8.contact wire


1. 列车的开行频率和到达模式是影响车站规模的重要因素。 2. 在现代化的铁路系统中,无论是干线铁路、市郊铁路、地铁或者轻轨,都必须具备高效的公共广播系统。


1.Any railway relies upon proper maintenance of both its rolling stock and its infrastructure to ensure that efficient and reliable operation is sustained.

2.Capacity of a track is understood as the maximum number of trains per hours that can run on a section of a track ,taking into account the specific conditions of track and operation and assuring a satisfactory level of service.

3.The location and size of station entrances will be determined by establishing the principal directions in which passengers may wish to leave or approach the station.

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