

verdict   [ˈvɜːdɪkt]    



真题复现1:It is against that background that the information commissioner, Elizabeth Denham, has issued her damning verdict against the Royal Free hospital trust under the NHS, which handed over to DeepMind the records of 1.6 million patients in 2015 on the basis of a vague agreement which took far too little account of the patients' rights and their expectations of privacy.(2018年英语一第三篇阅读理解P1)

真题翻译:正是在这种背景下,信息专员伊丽莎白·德纳姆(Elizabeth Denham)对英国国家医疗服务体系(NHS)下的皇家自由医院信托基金(Royal Free hospital trust)做出了谴责性的裁决,2015年,该公司将160万名患者的记录移交给了DeepMind,其依据是一项含糊不清的协议,该协议对患者的权利及其对隐私的期望考虑得太少。

真题复现2:The NHS trust responded to Denham's verdict with(2018年英语一32题题干)


真题复现3:Many Americans regard the jury system as a concrete expression of crucial democratic values, including the principles that all citizens who meet minimal qualifications of age and literacy are equally competent to serve on juries; that jurors should be selected randomly from a representative cross section of the community; that no citizen should be denied the right to serve on a jury on account of race, religion, sex, or national origin; that defendants are entitled to trial by their peers; and that verdicts should represent the conscience of the community and not just the letter of the law.(2010年英语二第四篇阅读理解P1)


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